General Information
The operators of these pages and sites of ALOHA NUI Aloha Nia Nui .com and all its related sites and platforms and social media performances take the protection of your personal data very serious. They handle your personal data confidential and according to the EU-General Data Protection Regulation DSGVO as well as this data privacy policy.
The following information give a simple overview about what happens with your personal data when you visit our website. Personal data are all data information through which you can be personally identified. Detailed information about data privacy protection is explained below in the data privacy policy and declaration.
Who is responsible for the data collection and processing on this website?
The data processing on this website happens through the operator of this website. Whose contact details can be taken from the Imprint Impressum of this website.
How do we collect and process your data?
Your data is collected through you informing/disclosing them to us. That can for instance be data that you enter in a contact form or that you send to us via email.
Other data will be collected and processed automatically when visiting and using our website through our IT-systems and as the case may be through the webhost´s pages. That are mainly technical data (for instance internet browser, operating system, time of usage and other). The collection of these data happens automatically as soon as you visit and use our website.
What do we use your data for?
A part of your data is being collected and processed in order to ensure a faultless provision of the website for the purpose of provision and producing contractual performance, service and customer service care, marketing, advertisement and market research. Other data can be used for analyses of your user behaviour.
What rights do you have in relation to your data?
You have the right to free of charge information about your collected and processed personal data, their origin and receiver and the purpose of the data collection and processing as well as the right to information, correction, deletion, blocking or revoking retracting of these data.
In relation to this as well as for further question in relation to this topic of personal information and data you can contact the operators of this website via the email address provided in the impression Impressum at .
Analysis-Tools and Tools of Third Parties
When visiting and using our website your surf behaviour can be evaluated statistically. This happens especially with Cookies and so-called analysis programs. The analysis of your surf behaviour usually takes place anonymously; the surf behaviour can´t be traced back to you. You can object to this analysis or avoid it through not using certain tools. You can find detailed information in the following data protection privacy policy and declaration.
You can object to this analysis. You will find information about the objection possibilities in this data protection privacy policy and declaration
We as operator of these pages and sites take your personal data very seriously. We handle your personal related data confidential and in line with the EU-data protection policy regulation DSGVO as well as this data privacy statement.
When you use this website then different personal data are being collected. Personal related data are data through which you can be identified personally. The given data privacy statement explains which data we collect and what we us them for. It also explains how and for what purpose this happens.
We hereby also indicate that the data information transfer in the internet (for example when communicating via email) can show interruption of security as security vulnerability and flaws. A complete data protection from third parties is not possible.
This data privacy policy explains about the way, extend and purpose of the collection and handling of personal data and personal related data (from hereon called ´data´) within our online offers and the to that related websites, sites, functions, platforms and contents as well as external online presence, as for example our social media profile (from hereon called our online offers). In consideration of the used concepts as for example ´handling´ and ´responsible party/person´ we refer to the definition in Art. 4 of the data policy protection regulation DSGVO.
The responsible body/institution for data collection and handling on this website is
The responsible body/institution is a natural or juridical person who decides alone or together with others about the purpose and ways of collection and handling of personal data/person related data (for example name, Email Address or similar).
Type of Collected and Handled Data
– Inventory Data (for example name, address).
– Contact Data (for example email, telephone number)
– Content Data (for example text input, photographs/images, videos).
– Usage Data (for example visited websites, interest of content, access times).
– Meta/Communication Data (for example appliance information, IP-addresses).
Purpose of Handling and Collection
– For provision of online offer, its functions and contents.
– Replying of contact requests and communication with users.
– Security measures.
– Range of distance/Marketing
Used Concepts
`Personal/person related data´ are all the information that relates to a person who identified her-/himself or who is a natural person (following called ´person concerned´); a natural person is considered identifiable who can be identified directly or indirectly, especially through allocation to a recognition identifier as a name, as a identifying number, as a position data, as an online-recognition (for example Cookie) or another or more special characteristic attributes that express and are the physical, physiological, genetic, psychological/mental, economic, cultural or social identity of this natural person.
´Collection and Handling´ though is each executed process with or without assistance of automated methods or each such process approach and course of action in relation to personal/person related data. The concept reaches far and comprises practically each handling of contact with data.
Referred to as ´person responsible´ is the natural or juridical person, authority, institution or other facility that decides alone or together with others about the purposes and means of collection and handling of personal/person related data.
Authoritative Relevant Legal Basis Foundation
In line with the requirement of Art. 13 DSGVO we inform you about our data collection and handling. In case the legal basis foundation is not mentioned the following applies: The legal basis foundation for the obtaining of agreement consent is Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. a and Art. 7 DSGVO, the legal basis foundation for collection and handling for the fulfillment of our service performance and execution of contractual measures as well as answering of inquiry requests is Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. b DSGVO, the legal basis foundation for the fulfillment of our legal obligation commitment is Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. c DSGVO, and, the legal basis foundation for the processing for protection ensuring of our entitled interest is Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f DSGVO.
In case that essential interests of the concerned person or another natural person require a processing of personal/person related data Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. d DSGVO is the legal basis foundation.
Security Measures and Safety Precautions
We ask you to inform yourself regularly about the content of our data protection privacy policy and declaration. We adjust the data protection privacy policy and declaration as soon as changes of the from us performed processing, collecting and handling of data requires this. We inform you as soon as a cooperation participation from your side (for example as a acceptance compliance) or any other individual notification is required.
Cooperation Work with Order Processors and Third Parties
Provided that we within the scope of our processing of data disclose, transmit/transfer or allow any other kind of access data towards other persons and businesses (order processors or third parties), this happens only based on legal permission (for example when a transmission of data to a third party, as a payment handling service provider, as per Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. b DSGVO is necessary in order to fulfil the contract), on your agreement consent, on a legal obligation or on basis of our entitled interest (for example when inserting representatives, webhosts, etc.).
Provided that we instruct authorize a third party with processing data based on a so called ´data processing contract´ this happens on basis of Art. 28 DSGVO.
Transfer Transmission to Third Party Countries
Provided we process collect handle data in a third party country (for example outside of the European Union (EU) or the European Economic Area (Europäischer Wirtschaftsraum (EWR)) or this takes place within the scope of utilization of services of third parties or disclosure, and respectively transfer transmission of data to third parties occurs, only, if it happens for fulfilment of our (pre-)contractual obligation, on the basis of your agreement consent, based on legal obligation or on basis of our legitimate authorized interest.
Subject to legal or contractual permission consent, processing or we let the data in a third party country only be processed when a special requirement conditions of Art. 44 ff. DSGVO. That means the processing takes place for example on the basis of special guarantees, as the official acknowledged declaration of a EU equivalent data privacy policy standard level (for example for the USA through the ´privacy Shield´) or consideration acceptance of official acknowledged special contractual commitment (so called ´standard contract stipulation).
Rights of Concerned Persons
You have the right to demand request a confirmation about if the concerned data are being processed and about information about these data as well as further information and copy of data accordingly to Art. 15 DSGVO.
You have the right accordingly to Art. 16 DGSVO to demand request the completion of data concerning you or the correction of the data concerning you.
You have the right as per regulation requirement of Art. 17 DSGVO to demand request that concerning data are being deleted immediately, and respectively alternatively as per regulation requirement of Art. 18 DSGVO to demand request a limitation of processing of these data.
You have the right to demand request to receive that the data concerning you that you have provided to us as per regulation requirement of Art. 20 DGSVO and to request to transmit transfer these to other responsible persons.
Furthermore, you have the right accordingly to Art. 77 DSGVO to submit a complaint at the responsible regulatory body authority.
You can object to future processing of data concerning you as per regulation requirement of Art. 21 SDGVO anytime. The objection can particularly happen against the processing for purposes of direct advertising.
Cookies and Objection Right at Direct Advertising
Small data are named ´Cookies´ that are saved on computer appliances of the user. Within the Cookies different information can be saved. A Cookie primarily serves to save the information of a user (and respectively the appliance on which the Cookie is saved) during or also after his/her visit within an online offer.
As temporary Cookie, and respectively ´Session-Cookies´ or ´transient Cookies´, the Cookies are identified that are being deleted after a user leaves an online offer and closes his/her browser. Within such a Cookie for example the content of a shopping cart in an online shop or a login-jam can be saved.
As ´permanent´ or ´persistent´ Cookies are identified that are being saved even after closing the browser. This is how the login-status can be saved when the users search for it after a few days. Also, the interest of a user can be saved in such a Cookie that is being used for scope of reach scaling or marketing purposes.
As ´third party Cookie´ Cookies are called that are offered from other providers than the responsible one who offers the online offer (otherwise, if it is only Cookies of these, it is called a ´First Party Cookie´).
We can insert use temporary and permanent Cookies and declare it hereby within the scope of this data privacy protection policy.
In case user do not want that Cookies are being saved on their computer then they are asked to deactivate the corresponding option in the system settings of the browser. Saved Cookies can be deleted in the system setting of the browser. The exclusion of Cookies can cause limitations of function of this online offer.
A general objection against the use of Cookies used for the purpose of online marketing can be declared at a multiplicity of services, especially in case of tracking, through the US-American site or the EU-site Furthermore, the retention of Cookies can be accomplished through their deactivation in the settings of the browser. Please note that as the case my be not all functions of this online offer can be used.
Deletion of Data
The from us processed data will be deleted as per regulation requirement of Art. 17 and 18 DSGVO or limited in their processing.
Provided it is not explicitly indicated within the scope of this data privacy protection policy the from us saved data are being deleted as soon as they are not needed anymore for their purpose intention and no required obligation to preserve records opposes the deletion.
Provided the data are not being deleted because they are required for other and legally approved purposes, their processing is limited. That means the data are being locked and are not being processed for other purposes. That applies for example for data that have to be kept for commercial legal or under fiscal tax legal reasons.
In line with regulation requirements in Germany the keeping particularly for 6 years as per § 257 Abs. 1 HGB (trade books, inventory, opening financial statements, annual financial statements, business letters, accounting records, etc.) as well as for 10 years as per § 147 Abs. 1 AO (books, documentation, annual status reports, booking receipt reports, trade and business letters, for tax assessment relevant files and documentation, etc.).
In line with regulation requirements in Austria the keeping particularly for 7 years as per § 132 Abs. 1 BAO (accountancy book keeping files, receipts/invoices, accounts, receipts, business documents, statements of income earnings and outgoings, etc.), for 22 years in relation to properties and for 10 years for files in relation to electronic provided services, telecommunication, radio and television services, that are not being given to non-entrepreneurs in EU-states and are being claimed for the Mini-One-Stop-Shop (MOSS).
Business Related Processing
Additionally we are processing
– Contract Data (for example object of agreement/subject of the contract, duration, customer category).
– Payment Data (for example bank data, payment history).
of our clients, interested parties and business partners for the purpose of provision of contractual services, services and customer care service, marketing, advertisement and market research.
The hosting-services utilized from us serve the provision of the following services: infrastructure and platform services, computing capacity, storage space data base services, security services as well as technical upkeeping services that we install apply for purposes of operation of these online offers and services. Hereby we process, and respectively our hosting provider, inventory stock data, contact data, content data, contract data, usage data, meta and communication data of customer clients, interested persons and visitors of these online offers on the basis of our legitimate authorized interests in an efficient and secure provision of these online offers accordingly to Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f DSGVO i.V.m. Art. 28 DSGVO (completion order processing contract).
Collection of Access Data and Logfiles
We, and respectively our hosting provider, collect on the basis of our legally authorized interests in the sense of Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f. DSGVO about each access to the server, on which these services are (so called server logfiles). Name of accessed retrieved website, data, date and time of access retrieval, transfer transmitted data amount, notification about successful access retrieval, notification announcement about successful access retrieval, browser type beside version, the operating system of user, referrer URL (the previous visited site), IP-address and the requesting provider belong to access data.
Name of the accessed retrieved website, data file, date and time of the logfile-information belong to access data that are saved stored for a duration of maximum 7 days and is deleted after that. Data that is required for further evidence purposes are excluded from deletion until final clarification of the respective incident.
Agency Services: Currently not being used. Does not apply on this website.
Provision of Contractual Services
We process stock inventory data (for example name and address as well as contact details of users), contract details (for example utilized services, names of contact persons, payment information) for the purpose of fulfilment of our contractual liabilities and services as per Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit b. DSGVO. The entry inputs in online forms marked as compulsory are required for the conclusion of contract.
Within the scope of utilization of our online services we process and collect save the IP-address and the time of the corresponding user activity. The storage takes place on basis of our entitled authorized interests as well as the user to protection of violation and other unauthorized usage utilization. A transfer transmission of these data to third parties does generally not take place unless it is required necessary for pursuing our claim requirement or a legal liability obligation as per Art. 6 lit. c DSGVO exists.
We process user data (for example the visited websites of our online offers, interest in our products) and contend data (for example input entry in our contact forms or user profile) for advertisement purposes in a user profile in order to fade in show for example product information based on the up to now utilized services.
The deletion of data takes place after expiration of legal warranty service and comparable similar obligation requirements, the required necessary keeping of data is being reviewed checked every three years; in case of a legal required duty of archiving the deletion takes place after its expiration. Information stated given in the corresponding customer client account remain until its deletion.
Administration, Financial Book Keeping, Office Organization, Contact Managing Administration
We process, collect and handle data in the scope of administration work as well as organization of our business, financial book keeping and complying of legal regulation requirements, as for example the archiving. In this connection we process, collect and handle the same data as the ones that we process, collect and handle in the scope of the provision of our services. The processing basis are Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. c. DSGVO, Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f. DSGVO. Customer clients, interested, business partners and website visitor users are concerned with that. The purpose and our interest in the processing lays in the administration, financial book keeping, office organization, archiving of data, so to say work task assignments that serve the maintenance retention of our business activities, execution of our work task assignments and provision of our services. The deletion of data in view of contractual services and the contractual communication corresponds to the given information statements given for these processing practices.
We disclose or transfer transmit in this connected data to the finance administration, advisors, as for example tax accountant or certified public accountant auditor as well as further administration authorities for fees and finances and payment service providers.
Furthermore, we save information statements data of vendors, organizers and other business partners on the basis of our economically business managing interests for example for the purpose of a later contact approach. We save these majoritarian business related data generally permanently.
Content of Online Offers
The operators of the website endeavor at all times to provide qualitative high valued information. However, they take no guarantee warranty for the topicality, correctness, completeness, quality or availability of the provided information. Liability claims towards the operator of the website that refer correspond relate to damage of material or ideational nonmaterial fashion that were caused through usage or non-usage of the presented information and respectively through the usage of defective faulty and incomplete information are generally excluded provided there is no evidential intentional or grossly negligent fault given presented.
All offers are subject to change without notice and without obligation non-committal. The operators of the website reserve explicitly all rights to change, to complete, to delete or to publish parts of the sites pages or to suspend the entire offer without separate announcement temporarily or permanently.
Reference and Links
In case it is referred to reference destination directly or indirectly that lay outside the area of responsibility of the operator then they are only liable if they have known of the contact and if it would technically be possible and would be within reason to avoid the utilization in case of unlawful illegal contents. The operators declare hereby explicitly that at that point of time of reference no unlawful illegal contents were noticeable. The operators of the website have no influence at all on the current and future configuration creation, on contents or the authorship creatorship of linked/associated sites pages. For exceeding contents of these and especially for damage that arise create through utilization or non-utilization of these kind of presented information alone the provider of these pages is liable, not the ones who refer to links of the respective publishing. This limitation applies equally for entries from external others into the integrated guest books, discussion forums and mailing lists. Operators use links online in order to provide the possibility to their visitors to find more information. However, a link does not mean that the operators recommend external sites or that adopt their contents as their own.
Data Protection Privacy Policy Regulations
The utilization of our website is generally possible without indication of personal/person related data. As far as personal/person related data are collected on our sites (for example name, address or email addresses) then this happens, as far as possible, always on a voluntary basis. These data are not passed on without your knowing to a third party.
We point out that the data transfer transmission in the internet (for example when communicating via email or in forms) there can be security vulnerability. A flawless continuous protection of data through access of third parties is not possible.
The utilization of the published contact details in the scope of the Impressum information obligation through third parties for transmission of not explicitly requested advertisement and information material is being explicitly objected hereby. The operators of these sites are prepared to take legal steps in case of non-requested sending of advertisement information, for example through spam-mails.
The requirements of the EU general data protection policy regulation are being met. Your data are being processed, collected and handled in a data bank electronically and are being processed electronically in the scope of the contract purpose. Furthermore, your personal/person related data are not being passed on to third parties. You have the right to information, correction, deletion, suspension and objection at any time in relation to your collected saved data.
The agreement for collection and purpose related processing of your data can be retracted cancelled any time through confirming through a deregistration link in a newsletter or via email in the Impressum information.
Terms and Conditions and Newsletter Distribution
If you would like to receive the newsletter offered on the website then we need an email address as well as information of you that allows us the examination verification that you are the owner of the given email address and that you agree with receiving the newsletter (double opt-in).
Further data are not being collected. These data are exclusively being used for sending the requested information and are not being passed on without you knowing to third parties.
The given consent for collecting the data, email address as well as their usage for sending the newsletter can be revoked at any time through you via email in the Impressum Information as well as the operator of the website with immediate effect without further indication of reasons. You can also use the deregistration link in a newsletter.
Please only personally subscribe to the newsletter. The entry of third parties is not permitted and can in case of harassment of other internet users possible lead to a claim for compensation towards and from you.
The operators of the website strive for in all publications to respect consider the copyrights of used graphics, sound documents, video sequencies and texts, self-created graphics, sound documents, video sequencies and texts, or revert back to license free graphics, sound documents, video sequencies and texts. The copyright for published, from the operator self-created objects remains solely with the owners of the sites pages.
A copying or using of such graphics, sound documents, video sequencies and texts in other electronic or printed publications is not permitted without explicit approval from the operators.
Legal Effectiveness
This liability exclusion/disclaimer is part of the internet offer of the operator of the website, from which is being referred to this one. In case parts or wording of these texts are not, not anymore or don´t comply completely to the effective legal basis then the other parts of the document remain in their content and validity unaffected from that.
RIGHT OF WITHDRAWAL – Withdrawal of your Consent to Processing Data
You have the right to withdraw your given consent as per Art. 7 Abs. 3 DSGVO with effect for the future.
Many data processing processes are only possible with your explicit consent.
You can withdraw your given consent any time. An informal information via email to us suffices. The legality of the data processing, collecting and saving is unaffected by a withdrawal up until the withdrawal is submitted.
Right for Complaint at the Regulating Authority
In case of breaches of data protection, the aggrieved party has the complaint right at the regulating authority. The responsible regulating authority for data protection privacy policy related questions is the appointed country data protection agent of the federal state in which our business has its official location place. A list of appointed country data protection agents can be viewed in the following link .
Right to Data Transferability
You have the right to hand out data that we process automated on the basis of your consent or in fulfilment of a contract to yourself or to a third party in a established machine-readable format. In case you demand a direct transfer of data to another responsible party then this takes place only as far as it is possible technically.
SSL and respectively TLS Encryption
This site uses a SSL and respectively TLS Encryption for security purposes and for protection of transfer transmission of confidential contents as for example orders or requests that you send to us as site operators.
You can recognize an encrypted connection through the change in the address line of the browser from ´http://´ to ´https://´ and the lock symbol in the browser row.
When the SSL and respectively the TLS encryption is activated then data that you transfer transmit to us can not be read by third parties.
Information, Suspension, Deletion
In the scope of the authorized legal regulations, you have the right at any time for free of charge information about your saved personal/person related data, their origin and receiver and purpose of data processing and if applicable a right for correction, suspension or deletion of these data. For his as well as for other questions in relation to the topic of personal /person related data you can contact us any time under the in the Impressum Information given address.
Objection to Advertising Mails
The usage utilization of in the scope of the Impressum Information obligation published contact data for transferring of not explicitly demanded advertisement and information material is hereby objected. The operators reserve the right to legal steps in case of unsolicited sending of advertisement information, for example spam emails.
Contact Form
If you send requests to us through the contact form then your information data from the request form inclusive all your given contact data are being processed, collected and handled for the purpose of handling of your request and for the case of follow up questions.
We do not pass on these data without you knowing.
The processing of the data entered into the contact form takes place therefore exclusively on the basis of consent (Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. a DSGVO). You can withdraw this consent any time. Therefore, a formless message via email of the Impressum Information to us suffices.
The legality of data processing processes remains unaffected from the withdrawal until the withdrawal of the consent took place.
The entered data in the contact form remain with us until you demand deletion from us, revoke your consent of collecting or the purpose of data processing, collection and handling ceases (for example after a completed processing of your request). Mandatory legal regulations – especially the compulsory safe keeping – remain unaffected untouched.
The internet pages use partially so called Cookies. Cookies don´t cause any damage on your computer appliance and don´t contain viruses. Cookies serve the purpose to make our offers more user friendly, more effective and more secure. Cookies are small text data that are placed on your computer and that are saved by your browser.
Most Cookies used from us are so called ´Session Cookies´. They are being deleted automatically after your visit. Other Cookies remain saved on your end device until you delete these. These Cookies allow us to recognize your browser again at your next visit.
You can adjust your browser so that you are being informed about the placement of Cookies and allow Cookies only in individual cases, or activate the accepting of Cookies for certain cases or generally exclude them as well as the automatic deletion of Cookies when closing the browser. When deactivating Cookies, the functionality of this website might be limited.
Cookies that are necessary and required for the performance of the electronic communication process or for provision of certain functions that you desire (for example shopping basket function) are being collected saved on the basis of Art. 6 Abs 1 lit f DSGVO. The website operator has a legitimate interest in collecting saving of Cookies for technical errorfree and optimized provision of his/her services. As far as other Cookies (for example Cookies for analyses of your surf behaviour) are being saved they are being discussed handled separately in this data protection privacy policy.
The provider of the pages collects and saves information automatically in so called server-log-data that your browser automatically transfer transmits to us. They are
– browser type and browser version
– used operating system
– referrer URL
– hostname of the accessing computers
– time of server request
– IP-address
A joining of these data with other data sources is not being conducted.
Basis for the data processing is Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f DSGVO that allows permits the processing, collecting and handling of data for fulfilment of a contract or a pre-contractual measure handling.
Contact Form
When you submit a contact form request the information from the request form inclusive the from you indicated contact data for the purpose of processing the request and for the case of follow up questions are being saved from us. These data are not being given to another party without your consent.
The processing of the data entered in the contact form is carried out therefore only on the basis of your consent permission (Art. 6 Abs.1 lit. a DSGVO). You can withdraw object this consent at any time. For that it suffices to send a formless email to us. The legality of the data processing processes remains untouchable from the withdrawal of consent until the withdrawal.
The data entered in the contact form from you remain with us until you request from us to delete them, withdraw your consent for collection or the purpose of data collection ceases (for example after completed handling of your request). Mandatory legal regulations – especially record retention periods – remain untouched.
Processing of Data (Customer Client and Contract Data)
We collect, process and handle use personal/ person related data only as far as it is necessary for explanatory statement, configuration of content or change of legal relationships (stock inventory data). This happens on the basis of Art. 6 Abs.1 lit. b DSGVO that allows the processing of data for fulfilment of a contract or precontractual measures. We only collect, process and use person related data about the utilization of our internet sites (user data) as this is necessary in order to enable the usage of serves or to arrange the billing. The collected customer client data are being deleted after finalizing the contract or ending the business relationship. Mandatory legal regulations remain untouched.
Data Transfer Transmission for Conclusion of Contract for Services and Digital Contents
We transfer transmit personal/person related data to third parties only then when this is necessary in scope of handling the contract, for example to the financial institution commissioned and authorized with the payment handling.
A further continuing transfer transmission of data is not happening and respectively only then when you agreed specifically to the transfer transmission. A further circulation of your data to third parties without explicit consent, for example for purposes of advertisement, is not happening.
Basis for the data processing is Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. b DSGVO that allows authorizes the processing of data for fulfilment of contracts or precontractual measures.
Analysis Tools and Advertisement Marketing
Plugins and Tools
Google Web Fonts
This site uses Web Fonts for a coherent presentation of fonts that are provided by Google. When selecting a site your browser loads the needed Web Fonts in your browser cache in order to show the text and fonts correctly.
For this purpose, the from you used browser has to connect to the server of Google. Hereby Google gains knowledge about that your IP-address has opened our website. The utilization of Google Web Fonts happens in the interest of a consistent and appealing presentation of our online offers. This presents a legitimate interest in the sense of Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f DSGVO.
If your browser does not support Web Fonts then the standard font of your computer is being used. You can find further information about Google Web Fonts under and in the data privacy protection policy declaration of Google:
Data privacy protection policy declaration for the usage of Google Analytics: This website uses no Google Analytics, a web analysis service of Google Inc. (´Google´). Provider is the Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA. Google Analytics uses so-called ´Cookies´, text files, that are being saved on your computer and that allows you using the website. The through Cookie created information about you using this website are usually transferred to a server of Google in the USA and are being saved there.
In case of activation of IP-anonymization on this website your IP-address is being shortened before by Google but within the member states of the European Union or in another contract state of the agreement about the European economic area. Only in exceptional cases the full IP-address is being transferred transmitted to a server of Google in the USA and shortened there. In order of the operators of this website Google will be using this information in order to evaluate your usage of the website, in order to create reports about your website activity and in order to provide further services connected with the website usage and internet utilization for the website operator. The transferred transmitted IP-address in the scope of Google Analytics from your browser is not being merged together.
You can prevent the saving of the Cookies through a corresponding setting in your browser software; we point out to you though that if applicable you can´t use all of the functions of this website. You can furthermore avoid the recording collection of through the Cookies created and to your using of the website related data (incl. your IP-address) to Google as well as the processing of these data through Google by downloading the browser-plugin under the following link and installing it .
The saving of Google-Analytics-Cookies happens on the basis of Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f DSGVO. The operator of the website has a legitimate interest in the analysis of user behaviour in order to optimize his/her web offer as well as his/her advertisement marketing.
IP Anonymization
We have activated the function IP-Anonymization on this website. Thereby your IP-address is being shortened by Google within the member states of the European Union or in another contract state of the agreement about the European economic area before transmitting transferring it to the USA. Only in exceptional cases the full IP-address is being transmitted transferred to a server of Google in the USA and is being shortened there. IN
In order of the operators of this website Google will be using this information in order to evaluate your usage of the website, in order to create reports about your website activity and in order to provide further services connected with the website usage and internet utilization for the website operator. The transferred transmitted IP-address in the scope of Google Analytics from your browser is not being merged together.
Browser Plugin
You can prevent the saving of the Cookies through a corresponding setting in your browser software; we point out to you though that if applicable you can´t use all of the functions of this website. You can furthermore avoid the recording collection of through the Cookies created and to your using of the website related data (incl. your IP-address) to Google as well as the processing of these data through Google by downloading the browser-plugin under the following link and installing it .
Objection to Data Collection
You can prevent the collection of your data through Google Analytics through clicking on the following link. An Opt-Out-Cookie is being placed that prevents a collection of your data for future visits to this website: Deactivation Google Analytics . You can find more information about the handling of user data t Google Analytics in the data privacy protection policy declaration of Google: .
Order Processing
We have a contract with google for the order processing and implement the strict regulations of the German data protection authorities strictly when using Google Analytics.
Demographic Attributes of Google Analytics
This website uses the function ´demographic attributes´ of Google Analytics. Thereby reports can be created that contain statements of age, gender and interests of site page visitors. These data derive from interest related advertisement of Google as well as visitor data of third party providers. These data can be assigned to a certain person. You can deactivate this function any time through your advertisement settings in your Google-account or you can generally forbid prohibit the collection of your data through Google Analytics as in point ´objection to data collection´ outlined.
Data Protection Privacy Policy Declaration for the utilization of Google Analytics: Currently not being used. Does not apply on this website.
Data Protection Privacy Policy Declaration for the utilization of YouTube-plugins: Currently not being used. Does not apply on this website.
Data Protection Privacy Policy Declaration for the utilization of reCAPTCH:
Currently not being used. Does not apply on this website.
Newsletter Data
When you want to refer to the newsletter offered on the website then we need your email address as well as information that allows us the review checking that you are the owner of this email address and agree with receiving the newsletter. Further data are not being collected and respectively only on a voluntary basis. These data are exclusively being used for sending the requested information and are not being passed on to third parties.
The processing of the data entered in the newsletter registration form happens exclusively on the basis of your consent (Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. a DSGVO). The granted consent for saving the data, the email address as well as their usage utilization for sending the newsletter can be cancelled at any time, for example through the ´unsubscribe´ link in the newsletter. The legality of the already occurred data processing processes remain untouched by the objection.
The from you submitted data for the purpose of subscribing receiving the newsletter are being saved until you unsubscribe from the newsletter and are being deleted after you have unsubscribed. Data that have been collected and saved for other purposes (for example email addresses for the member area) remain untouched from that.
Please note that this is a translation from the German text and serves the purpose of providing understanding the legal regulations and requirements that apply under the German version of the DSGVO applicable for this business ALOHA NUI KC .
ALOHA NUI KC established in Feb 2013 – all Copyrights © 2013-2024 apply.
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